Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Let's spend some big cash on the Harley

I had an appointment made to take Lucille, yeah she has a name, in for a 15k service before we took off for Laughlin. And before anyone even starts, No, I don't do my own wrenching. Why? Because I don't enjoy it much, because I can afford to have a mechanic who enjoys his work and isn't stressing over missing tools, and mostly because I don't have time.

Okay, so we got that out of the way. So like I was saying, I had planned to take the bike down to get the 15k service and since the fuel gauge is acting up and she's till under warranty, wanted that taken care of.

I dropped her off and was walking through the Harley dealer looking at the bikes and saw a new Heritage Classic on the floor with very little customizing. A little chrome here and there, nice beach bars like mine and the same stock paint. What this bike DID have that I didn't was whitewalls. It was like seeing my bike with that feature.

When I bought my bike I had decided I didn't want whitewall tires but the more I've gotten into Harleys and the more bikes I've been around the more I've fallen in love with that old school look. Especially the look of the Deluxe. I love it.

So I was sitting with my wife last night and told her when the time came to change out the tires, I'd probably switch to whitewalls. She asked me how many miles I'd get on my tires and I said I wasn't sure but that the rear tire looked a little worn down. I have not checked for wear marks so I figured I had a few thousand miles left.

Wrong. First thing this morning I get the call from the Harley mechanic telling me he would suggest a new rear tire as mine was showing the wear indicators. So, considering we're heading almost 300 miles through the Mojave desert in two days where gas stations are about 100 miles apart, I figured I didn't have much choice. I'm sure she would have been fine but why risk it huh? So on top of the service tab I get to dish out the big bucks for the tires. How in the hell can two motorcycle tires cost so much??? And I also figured while I was at it I'd have them pop the chrome sprocket on there as well. Ya know....let's just keep spending huh?

Broke but looking good. Hope to get some pics of her up when she comes home tomorrow.


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